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alirs232upgradetoolv120downloaderFull: How to Download and Use ALIR232UpgradeTool v1.20 for Your Device

If you are looking for a way to upgrade your device's firmware using a serial cable, you might have come across the term "alirs232upgradetoolv120downloaderFull". This is a software tool that allows you to download and install the latest version of MediaStar_Ali RS232 Upgrade Tool V1.2.0, which is compatible with various receivers and devices that use Ali's broad chipset. In this article, we will show you how to download and use alirs232upgradetoolv120downloaderFull to upgrade your device in a few simple steps.

What is ALIR232UpgradeTool v1.20?

ALIR232UpgradeTool v1.20 is a software tool that enables you to upgrade your device's firmware using a serial cable (RS232). It is designed for devices that use Ali's broad chipset, such as MediaStar, Starsat, Starmax, Tiger, and others. ALIR232UpgradeTool v1.20 can help you fix various issues with your device, such as boot loop, freezing, signal loss, etc. It can also improve your device's performance and stability by installing the latest firmware updates.


What is alirs232upgradetoolv120downloaderFull?

alirs232upgradetoolv120downloaderFull is a file name that contains the software tool ALIR232UpgradeTool v1.20 and the necessary drivers for your device. You can download this file from various websites that offer satellite receiver software downloads, such as SatDL, AllSatInformation, Xiaomi Community, or Sway Office. The file size is usually around 3 MB and it is compressed in a ZIP or RAR format.

How to Download alirs232upgradetoolv120downloaderFull?

To download alirs232upgradetoolv120downloaderFull, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to one of the websites that offer alirs232upgradetoolv120downloaderFull, such as SatDL, AllSatInformation, Xiaomi Community, or Sway Office. You can also use a search engine like Bing to find other sources.

  • Find the download link for alirs232upgradetoolv120downloaderFull and click on it. You might have to register or complete some verification steps before you can access the download page.

  • Save the file to your computer and extract it using a ZIP or RAR extractor program.

  • Open the extracted folder and locate the file named ALI RS232 Upgrade Tool V1.2.0.exe. This is the main software tool that you will use to upgrade your device.

How to Use alirs232upgradetoolv120downloaderFull to Upgrade Your Device?

After you have downloaded and extracted alirs232upgradetoolv120downloaderFull, you need to follow these steps to use it to upgrade your device:

  • Connect your device to your computer using a serial cable (RS232). Make sure the cable is plugged in securely and the device is turned off.

  • Run the file ALI RS232 Upgrade Tool V1.2.0.exe as an administrator. You will see a window like this:

  • Select the COM port that corresponds to your serial cable from the drop-down menu.

  • Select the firmware file that you want to install on your device from the Browse button. The firmware file should have a .bin extension and should be compatible with your device model.

  • Click on Start to begin the upgrade process. You will see a progress bar indicating the status of the upgrade.

  • Wait until the upgrade is completed and you see a message saying "Upgrade Success". Do not disconnect the cable or turn off the device during the upgrade.

  • Turn on your device and check if the firmware has been updated successfully. You can also check the firmware version from the device's menu.

Congratulations! You have successfully used alirs232upgradetoolv120downloaderFull to upgrade your device's firmware using a serial cable. Enjoy the new features and improvements of your device.


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